Happy June everyone! It’s been a while since we did a newsletter post, mainly because MailChimp wanted a silly amount of money just for sending bulk emails to our customers. As the newsletters don’t generate a ton of revenue in themselves, it seemed like it wasn’t economically viable to use this option anymore! However, I have decided we will begin using our newsletter section of the website again as it helps us to let you know what is new and what is coming for the remainder of the year.
This year we have already added a huge range of products to the online shop. We have also had other news which I will share below.
We are now an authorised ProXL dealer

Something we are very proud of this year is that we have become an authorised ProXL dealer. What does this mean? Well firstly it means that ProXL have recognised that we are a knowledgeable seller of their products. This tells you the customer that we are able to support you with any ProXL products you may have purchased from us and that the advice we give is correct. Being an authorised dealer also means that we get new products hot off the press and are able to bring them to you as soon as they are available. We stand by ProXL products as being some of the best currently available in the UK. So much so that we use them daily in our own workshop. Anybody who knows Barry will know he does not use cheap rubbish materials or sub standard materials. That in itself is a ringing endorsement for ProXL products. If Barry uses it then you know you can trust it for your custom paintwork or hydrodipping needs. We will continue to bring exciting ProXL products to market for you and support our customers old and new in making the move to a superior brand for their clients. If you read this far, here is a cheeky ProXL coupon code for you: PROXL10. Use this for 10% off all ProXL products this week!
Here is a selection of products added since we got our authorised dealership awarded:

New film designs
As you all likely know, we are the UK’s leading hydrodipping / hydrographics shop and we are always looking for exciting new designs to bring to market for your customers and ours. It is this dedication to investing in new products that has allowed us to move to the front of the market and maintain our position there. We love what we do here at Hydro Style UK it’s genuinely exciting when we bring a new design to market and then see it being applied to peoples parts a week later. Below are a few examples of new designs that we brought to the online shop in 2024 so far.

What’s next for 2024?
In the next week or so we expect to take delivery of our first barrel of Liquid Concepts activator! This means a brand new product again coming to the UK via Hydro Style UK. We imported some of this activator some months ago and have been quietly testing it in our workshop as well as shipping some out to some trusted customers to get their feedback also. Reviews were excellent so we decided to make the investment and bring the first barrel over and see how it goes. We plan to retire the Hydro Design activator because this was being imported from Spain and every time we did so we had issues and the seller was not the most helpful at times. When we get a little low on stock and it takes 5 months for delivery of a new batch something has to give! We are excited to bring another new product to the UK and as it has our backing and the backing of Barry in the workshop, you can be sure it is a product that can be trusted. We will be releasing this in 400ml aerosol format and 1 litre liquid to begin with. We look forward to seeing your results!